
Travel, the daily movements of people (and animals), our mobility and ability to traverse spaces and places is the cornerstone of life in the 21st Century. We take it for granted, we presume it to be a feature of daily life and assume it to be a right which belongs to all of us. But whilst ‘travel’ appears to be initially straightforward, even a cursory glance quickly reveals an intricate, nuanced and multi-layered phenomenon which, even now, we struggle to fully understand or appreciate.

What exactly does it mean to travel? Who travels where and why? Undoubtedly tourism plays a major role: brands, rituals, routes, locations and attractions along with their links to culture, race, gender, identity, age and occupation. In this respect travel is connected to privilege, to heritage, to technology, business, economics and the environment. What ties does travel have to industry or education or health? But travel can also be involuntary; forced by acts of war, displaced through genocide, repatriated or removed by political dictators and governmental decree.

This inclusive interdisciplinary conference aims to map the broad boundaries of what is involved when we begin to grapple with travel and begin to explore all the various interfaces which are created when people move, for whatever reasons, from place to place. We will be creating spaces where personal experiences and storytelling are available alongside perspectives from industry and travel professionals, insights from policy makers, viewpoints from indigenous cultures and local contexts, the activities of bloggers and vloggers and many, many more.


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Travel: 2nd Global Interdisciplinary Conference
An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference
Sunday 10th July 2022 – Monday 11th July 2022
Athens, Greece

Call for papers, presentations and participation is now open.