
Food and Drink

Mapping the areas of food and drink is an exciting, complex though at times frustrating endeavour.

Food and Drink

Mapping the field of Food and Drink is an exciting, complex though at times frustrating endeavour. Food and drink crosses and permeates all areas of lived experience, interpersonal relationships, intellectual reflection, aesthetic tastes and sensibilities; it nourishes, sustains, defines the identity of communities and nations, promotes and hinders health, drives economies and inspires creativity. As an area for research and exploration, it is multi-layered with a myriad intertwined and interweaving threads and requires a plethora of approaches, insights and perspectives if we are to better to understand, appreciate and grapple with it.


This inclusive interdisciplinary project seeks to explore critical issues in relation to Food and Drink through its history, its significance in human development, its meaning in the context of the 21st Century, as well as its expression in national and cultural histories across the world, including issues of transgression, safety, religion, etc. The project will also explore its representation in art, art history, literature, film and music.

Teresa Cutler-Broyles

Development Team

Teresa Cutler-Broyles

Adjunct faculty member in the Cinematic Arts Department at the University of New Mexico, USA and a visiting professor at the Umbra Institute in Perugia, Italy, where she teaches a class titled Writing Italian Food.

Her research interests include food and wine and their cultural connections, architecture, history, landscape architecture and garden design, Shakespeare, teratology, media studies, Star Trek and culture, and travel.

Ruchira Datta

Development Team

Ruchira Datta

A research scholar as well as an adjunct faculty at Christ University, Bangalore, India. Her area of interest is food and feminism; specifically, exploring the idea of food as language in women’s writing.

Other areas of interest include postcolonial literature, American literature and post-humanism.

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