
Migration and Diasporas


Saturday 2nd December – Sunday 3rd December 2017
Vienna, Austria


Final Conference Programme




 Saturday 2nd December 2017



9:00-09:30 Registration


09:30-10:00 Welcome and opening remarks


10:00-11:15 Introductory Group Discussion – Stories of our Journeys


11:15-11:30 Tea and Coffee



Session 1 – Education

Chair: Andrea Berg


Resilience of Humanitarian Entrants to Pursuing Higher Education

Silvia Lozeva and Shamim Samani


“We are too old to learn”: Adult Refugees’ Perspectives on English as a Second Language Classes

Otieno Kisiara


A Comparative Study on the Relationship between the Cultural Oriented Strategies of EU and Non-EU Migrant Students over their Mental Health and their Academic Achievement: A Case Study of the Vienna University, Austria (poster)

Aylar Mansouri


12:30-14:00 Lunch



Session 2 – Literary Approaches

Chair: Alexander Lassner


Renegotiating Cultural Identity in Lahiri’s The Lowland

Kaitlin Chase


Displacement as a Celebration of Blurring in Amitav Ghosh’s Shadow Lines

Shweta Kushal

15:15-15:30 Tea and Coffee



Session 3 – House and Home(land)

Chair: Ine Van Emmerik


Next Year in Jerusalem or in New York?

Efrat Tzadik


Provisional House

Ine van Emmerik



Workshop: Tugging at the Heart Strings – Is affective exhibition design able to effect change in museum visitors’ perception of refugees and migrants?

Christopher Sommer


17:15 – 17:45 First Day Wrap-up


18:00 Wine Reception


 Sunday 3rd December 2017



Session 4 – Refugee Experiences

Chair: Zeynep Unsal


Narrative of Displacement: Stories of Migration and the Power of a Community’s Resilience

Amany Qaddour


Journey Narratives of Eritrean Refugees living in The Netherlands: Becoming and Being a Refugee-Notions of Time, Place and Home

Jeanette Kindipan-Dulawan


How Real is Fictional Empathy?

Jane Chamberlin



Round Table Discussion: Migration in the 21st Century – Challenges, Opportunities, Predictions

Moderator: Jonathan Rollins


11:15-11:30 Coffee and Tea



Session 5 – Diasporas and plurinationality

Chair: Jyri Jäntti


Human Mobility and Plurinationality: The Catalan Case

Dina Bousselham


‘Expat-Preneurs’: An Unexplored Potential Source of Economic Growth For Developing Countries? A State of the Art Literature Review.

Richard Girling


Hapsburg Empire, European Union: Past as Prologue

Alexander Lassner


12:30-14:00 Lunch



Session 6 – Questions of Security

Chair: Silvia Lozeva


Migration: A Security Threat or Securitisation Process?

Ivica Simonovski and Zeynep Ece Unsal


Effects of Securitization: Increased Security Risks of Unsettled Refugees

Jyri Jäntti


Xenophobia and discriminatory attitudes towards Mozambican immigrants in South Africa

Maboe Mokgobi


15:15-15:30 Tea and Coffee



Open Discussion – Working in Migration

16:30-17:30 Final Wrap-up and Call to Action