
Cultures and Societies

The challenges to cultures and societies in the 21st century are fluid, pressing and continuously changing in the day-to-day flow of living in communities.

Cultures and Societies

The challenges to cultures and societies in the 21st century are fluid, pressing and continuously changing in the day-to-day flow of living in communities. With the rapid increase in global mobility, people face challenges to their identity as a result of encounters with new cultures and new ways of living and thinking. Communities are forged through integration, assimilation, disintegration and reintegration.

Borders and Walls

Borders and Walls

Cultures and Societies The challenges to cultures and societies in

Cultural Diversity

Cultural Diversity

Cultures and Societies The challenges to cultures and societies in



Cultures and Societies The challenges to cultures and societies in



Cultures and Societies The challenges to cultures and societies in

Pop Cultures

Pop Cultures

Cultures and Societies The challenges to cultures and societies in



Cultures and Societies The challenges to cultures and societies in

Dr. William Arrocha

Development Team

Dr. William Arrocha

Associate Professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, California. He holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in International Politics from Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario, and a bachelor’s degree in International Politics form the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

His latest coedited publication by Palgrave Macmillan is titled Compassionate Migration and Regional Policy in the Americas. His research which emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches focuses on the intersection of immigration, development, nationalism, human rights and security.

Tony Caravella

Development Team

Tony Caravella

Has worked in the field of migration and refugee determination since his appointment to the Australian Migration Review Tribunal & Refugee Review Tribunal (MRT-RRT) in 2009 until 2017.  In 2017 he was appointed as a Member of the Hong Kong Torture Claims Appeal Board (TCAB) where he hears and decides migration appeals. He is also a Director of a legal practice in Australia which focuses on migration matters. Before working in the migration and refugee field, he was Member of the Social Security Appeals Tribunal.  Prior to that, he was the CEO/State Archivist with the State Records Office of Western Australia, and prior to that Tony worked as the WA State Director for the National Archives of Australia. Before that, he held senior management positions in Australia with the National Native Title Tribunal, the National Crime Authority and the Australian Securities Commission, respectively. Tony is admitted to practice as a barrister and solicitor in the Supreme Court of Western Australia and in the High Court of Australia.

Lily Cichanowicz

Development Team

Lily Cichanowicz

Lily is at the Freie Universität’s John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies. Her research focuses on trajectories of capitalism, modern regimes, and emergent social movements, particularly in the form of comparative analysis between the United States and Latin America. Currently, she is interested in exploring the relations between the US and Mexico in general, and the situation at their shared border in particular. Her work seeks to examine the mutual economic and sociocultural exchanges that happen between both countries and how their shared border doesn’t merely divide but reconstitutes each side. 

Dr Jonathan Rollins

Development Team

Dr Jonathan Rollins

Received his Doctorate in Comparative Literature from the University of Toronto, Canada. As a professor at Ryerson University, he focused his research on the intersectional entanglements of migration and diaspora studies, cultural studies, gender studies, and queer theory.

He has recently accepted a job with the Canadian federal government, working as an analyst in close cooperation with global affairs.

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