Intellectual tourism combined with cultural education opportunities embedded in local communities around the world.

Lisbon: Monument to the Discoveries
With the ever growing pace of global technologies, the cultures of the world are increasingly becoming accessible in ways never previously possible. Interdisciplinary living provides an opportunity to blend diverse ranges of knowledge with the travel experience to create unique intellectual and cultural education opportunities embedded in local communities around the world.
Among the benefits of these programmes are the ability to integrate travel with a range of interdisciplinary courses and events, using historical, geographical contexts as the basis for learning experiences. Not only does this afford the ability to enable professional tie-ins leading to credit bearing or certificated courses but it also allows us to build mutual connections with local companies, networks and institutions to provide possibilities for short and pro-longed on-site placements, research and study opportunities.
Our ambition for the next five years is to create a coherent chain and network of locations for the option to operate staggered or phased events in logical progressions across continents.